


A Poem in Celebration of the Ministry of Bishop T. D. Jakes

Lord, Help Me I Have Fallen: And I Can’t Get Up.
I am tired of being counted with the Saints With Sinners Problems
for I can’t seem to find the courage to
think right, talk right, walk right and treat people right
which I so much desire to do
but I find myself do those silly things I ought not to do
which I so much desire to give up
for there is another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind,
and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.
But then I heard a still small voice whisper in my heart
So You Call Yourself a Man?
Never forget that you are responsible for
Winning The Battle In Your Own Mind.
Then I realized I needed to stand up and take responsibility
for my spiritual growth and maturity
I realized I needed to reposition my mind and reposition myself
for Living Life Without Limits by practicing righteousness.
I learnt to develop Intimacy With God and to live a Life Overflowing with
joy and grace through the Six Pillars From Ephesians

When I cried to you in the anguish of my soul
When I asked: ‘Lord why all these trials and challenges?’
You answered me in the very depths of my heart:
Why? Because You Are Anointed.’
But Lord I just don’t feel like it.
I feel like everything is working against me.
If the lines have fallen for me in pleasant places
then why all these frustrating unpleasantness?
Lord give me Hope for Every Moment

provide me with Water In The Wilderness of my life
give me A Fresh Glimpse of the Dove
so I can Lay Aside the Weight of that sin that easily besets me
and learn to Follow the Star.
Let Your mighty hand rest on me
let Your Anointing Fall On Me
let your wisdom function in my life
so I can Maximize The Moment 
this hyphenated moment you have
apportioned to me to make The Great Investment in eternity
by Balancing Faith, Family and Finance to Build a Rich Spiritual Life.
Again I heard a still small voice whisper in my heart:
‘I will give you Insights to Help You Survive the Peaks and Valleys
you’ll encounter on the way to fulfilling your destiny.’

Lord when your sheep cry
open my heart to hear the voice of their cries
fill my mind with the wisdom of the Ancient of Days
so I may administer your Word to their weariness.
When Shepherds bleed
give me the understanding that Even Strong Men Struggle
empower the flock to stand by them and strengthen
them by Your Spirit that they may be firmly rooted like mount Zion
that they my become shepherds who are Not Easily Broken
by trials and temptations
Teach them the Ten Commandments of Working in a Hostile Environment
yes, even this spiritually hostile environment called earth.

I prayed: ‘Lord, The Harvest is now
the Lord of the harvest is nigh
prepare me for the harvest
empower me to fulfill my destiny.’
And you asked: ‘My child, Can You Stand To Be Blessed?
But Lord why not? I can stand to be raised.
If I am raised then I am blessed
Experiencing Jesus is the greatest blessing there is
and I need a deeper experience of His presence
for I have the assurance that I am Loved By God
and will always be welcomed in His presence.
Yes, if I am blessed by your presence,
if I am raised in Your presence,
I can stand up to be all you want me to be
I can stand up to fulfill my destiny
I can stand up to do all things for I lean on your Spirit
(I can only stand firm by leaning on your Spirit)
I can stand in the gap for my generation
I can be an inspiration to my generation
I can be a custodian of Your wisdom and principles in my generation
if You make me a library of spiritual intelligence
if You empower me with what it takes.
And Lord how I long for that remarkable blessing!

Just the other day I heard a lady cry:
Help I’m Raising My Children Alone.’
And Lord I know You are the help she needs
You’re the help she’s seeking and longing for.
Even though she’s ignorant of your word
strengthen her with the Promises From God For Single Women.
She is the one for whom you shed your precious lifeblood
so cause her to understand that in spite of her life’s mistakes
she can still become God’s Leading Lady.
You are the help her children need
so give her kids the assurance that Big Daddy Loves His Girls
let their minds be enlightened that they may learn from the mistakes of her life
for I still remember the Life Lessons My Mother Taught Me with her life.
My Mama Made the Difference in my life!
You are the help they need
You are the desire of all nations
but Your power will have to work through us to make that help available
Your sufficiency will have to work through us to meet their greatest needs
for your power can only be made manifest through the Church on earth.

You are the Husband of the Church
come consecrate Your bride so she can stand before
the overawing presence of the Father
in celestial holy matrimony –
so she can stand before You Naked And Not Ashamed.
When this shall come to be
all the angels will appreciate the Church as His Lady
and The Lady Her Lover and Her Lord
shall dwell together for eternity
with an angelic accompaniment of Sacred Love Songs.

Lord there is a man in Your Church
who needs to be loosed from the bondage of lies.
There is a lady in Your Church
who needs to be loosed from the shackles of gender limitation.
Therefore as T. D. Jakes Speaks To Men
Loose That Man And Let Him Go
Give him the understanding that his destiny is waiting for a change in his mentality.
Inspire in him a longing for The Wisdom-Driven Mentality.
As T. D. Jakes Speaks To Women
deliver Your Word through him saying:
Woman Thou Art Loosed.
Give to her a revelation of What God Can Do With A Lady
and cause her to realize that femininity
is not a congenital abnormality
give her the courage to break the barriers of gender limitation in her life
so she can be free to fulfill her destiny.

He has done mightily through Your help dear Lord
he has been a blessing to my life
Your grace upon him has not been in vain
and this I know beyond every reasonable doubt
(for no doubt has ever been reasonable to me)
I shall accomplish exceedingly abundantly above all that I can ever imagine
even in this hyphenated brevity of a lifetime…

Copyright © 2008-2010 Maikh Etto. All Rights Reserved.

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Accepting Your Righteousness in Christ

In Galatians 4:1, 2 the Apostle Paul says,

Now I say, that the heir, as long as he is a child…is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.

One of the characteristics of childishness and immaturity is that children live under people – guardians and tutors; they cannot do anything without being supervised. In the same book of Galatians, Apostle Paul made a very remarkable statement when he said,

“The Law was our guardian and teacher to lead us until Christ came…” (Gal. 3:24, NLT)

From this I have come to understand that living by the Law is a sign of spiritual immaturity, but living by faith is a sign of spiritual maturity.

Christians who live by the Law show that they still need to be under the guardian and tutorship of the Law, which of course is a sign of spiritual immaturity as stated in scripture. But when we put aside the Law – our legalistic mindsets – we show that we have come of age spiritually and no longer need to live under guardians (the dictates of the Law), but by the rudiments of faith. Apostle Paul also said,

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things” - 1Corinthians 13:11   

One of the childish things he did away with in his life was living according to the Law – a legalistic attitude, mindset, and approach towards salvation and righteousness.  He said,
“For when I tried to keep the law, I realized I could never earn God’s approval.  So I died to the law so that I might live for Christ. I have been crucified with Christ. I myself no longer live but Christ lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not one of those who treats the grace of God as meaningless. For if we could be saved by keeping the law, then there was no need for Christ to die” (Gal 2:19-21, NLT)

It is written that the righteous shall live by faith (Romans 1:17; Gal. 3:11), which therefore means that those who live by the Law and not by faith have not brought themselves round to accepting the righteousness that is by faith through Jesus Christ. They have been made right with God but are yet to accept their righteousness in Christ Jesus, but are rather pursuing the righteousness that is of the Law.

If we live according to the Law we show that we do not have confidence in the righteousness that is by faith through Christ Jesus, but in the righteousness that is by the Law. However, the righteousness that is imputed by the Law is nothing but self-righteousness. The reason the Law could not and cannot make us right with God is because it promotes self-righteousness, and such righteousness is like “filthy rags” before the Lord (Isaiah 64:6).

It is written that “Christ makes the Law no longer necessary for those who become acceptable to God by faith” (Rom 10:4, CEV). Therefore let us not deny ourselves this once-in-eternity-opportunity to live be right with God by accepting the righteousness that is by faith.

 Copyright © 2010 Maikh Etto. All Rights Reserved.

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The Destiny of the Church

It is a tragedy to have carnal people in positions of spiritual leadership. The prophet Isaiah said, "For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed" (Is. 9:16). It is interesting to note that the word 'leaders' in this scripture is translated from the Hebrew word 'ashar which means, TO BE STRAIGHT, RIGHT. The destiny of the Church lies beyond this tragedy!

Click this link to view more usage of this word in the Bible


When we neglect our relationship with the Lord

When we neglect our relationship with the Lord, we are indirectly claiming we can do without Him
- Maikh Etto


Everything You Need To Succeed With Your Life

For everything you need to succeed with your life, God has inspired someone to write about it. If you're not reading it, you're not getting it. In Matthew 23:34, Jesus said, “I will send you prophets, and wise men, and inspired writers…” (TLB). Go get it! - Maikh Etto

Why You Can't Afford Not To Pray

Prayer is a priviledged opportunity to rob minds with the greatest Mind in the universe. 
You can't afford not to pray (see Proverbs 27:17 & Proverbs 13:20) - Maikh Etto

The Wisdom-Driven Mentality

It is possible for one to live in a developed world with an underdeveloped mentality. Develop your mentality today!http://bit.ly/tC05S
- Maikh Etto